Thank you all so much for participating with Project Mentor over the time (intermittent that it's been) we've been running it.
If you don't know what ShmooCon, it's an amazing Infosec / Hacking conference held in Washington DC every year (usually Jan/Feb). You can find out more here:
They have a wonderful program called "Shmooze a Student" where a potential attendee pays $400 for the usually $150 ticket. This program takes the extra money and puts it towards getting a student that normally couldn't afford to go, the opportunity, and side cast to make it out to the con. You can find out more about the program here:
That brings us the the purpose of this blog post. Tomorrow is the last day to get a ticket to ShmooCon the regular F5 assaulting way. On Monday (December 8th 2014) I will post another Project Mentor challenge. This challenge will involve a few different Infosec topics. The person who submits the _most complete_ answer by Friday, December 12th 2014, will win the ticket and also be invited to present their walk through during the lunch time block at ShmooCon Epilogue.
If you are unaware of how Project Mentor works you can find out more here: